Thursday, November 17, 2016

Slides Galore!


Description & Timing
Chapter 7
Description: Scaffolds and discussion questions from Chapter 7 of Animal Farm. Slides 5 and 6 in presentation provided discussion questions and scaffolds leading into propaganda unit.

Timing: Before propaganda unit.

Propaganda, Day 1
Description: PowerPoint was used on the first day of filiming for the propaganda lessons.

Timing: Propaganda Lesson 1

Propaganda, Day 2
Description: PowerPoint used for the second day of filimg propaganda lessons

Timing: Propaganda lesson 2

Propaganda, Day 3
Description: PowerPoint used for the third and final day of propaganda lessons. The slideshow was not used in its entire form, rather, we used selected clips (such as the Subway ad) to demonstrate each type of propaganda).

Ch. 8, 9
Description: Discussion questions as we continued with reading the novel, moving forward with Chapter 8 discussion questions and sentence frames as well as context for Boxer’s death in the novel

Timing: After filming was completed

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Schoology Exploration Paper

Well, folks. End of semester. Here we go.

This is my last paper on Schoology. I hope you enjoy! I have titled it the Schoology Exploration Paper. Because that is exactly what it is-an exploration.

I will continue to post to this blog as my journey in education continues. In the meantime, stay excellent!

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Schoology Screencast Coming Soon, Stay Tuned!

School districts utilize tons of different technology. It is not only a tool for teachers and students to communicate, but also student-to-student, and teachers to parents. Both of the districts I am currently in are using Edmodo. However, Beaverton School District is considering switching platforms within the next year or so--and some of the Learning Management Systems (LMSs) that they are considering switching over to are Schoology or Canvas. However, it seems that they are leaning in favor of the Schoology direction.

During my next few posts, I will be screencasting different aspects of Schoology, as well as how to get started with Schoology. The first screencast lands soon!

New Directions

My journey in technology class has taken a different direction from differentiated instruction. While this is a cause I am still passionate about, we couldn't work out logistics for a classroom implementation before the Thanksgiving break. So, I have been working on the side with a teacher who is interested in tech and I will be updating the blog and screencasting more frequently.

Her class has a program called Tech Guru, and they are looking to build a website. I am hoping to assist behind the scenes with this. Tech Gurus will rotate, and essentially what this teacher wants is for the website to have links to common tech problems and resources to fix these problems-as well as problems with tech in the classroom. For example, if the overhead is having a problem, a student will be able to troubleshoot and get the class back on track quickly. Since technology is such a huge part of their everyday lives, they should be able to work with the problems that come with technology.

We're not sure yet if this website will take the form of a blog or a Google site, that remains to be seen.

How she incorporates technology in the classroom already: Last week, there was a historical mystery box activity with students needing to crack the code and they could use their phones with QR codes. This teacher tries to incorporate technology into every lesson, so the students are getting  continuous exposure to tech.